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2025 8.0分 剧情片
  《电幻国度》是一部壮观的冒险片,由《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》 的导演倾情打造。故事设定在一个充满复古未来色彩的 20 世纪 90 年代。米莉·波比·布朗(《怪奇物语》、《福尔摩斯小姐》、《少女斗恶龙》)饰演米歇尔:她是一名孤儿,在一个貌似卡通吉祥物的机器人曾与人类和谐共处、却因一次起义失败而流亡的社会中努力求生。一个夜晚,神秘而可爱的机器人科斯莫闯入了她的生活,打破了米歇尔对世界的认知。科..
2025 8.0分 剧情片
  《电幻国度》是一部壮观的冒险片,由《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》 的导演倾情打造。故事设定在一个充满复古未来色彩的 20 世纪 90 年代。米莉·波比·布朗(《怪奇物语》、《福尔摩斯小姐》、《少女斗恶龙》)饰演米歇尔:她是一名孤儿,在一个貌似卡通吉祥物的机器人曾与人类和谐共处、却因一次起义失败而流亡的社会中努力求生。一个夜晚,神秘而可爱的机器人科斯莫闯入了她的生活,打破了米歇尔对世界的认知。科..
2025 8.0分 剧情片
2023 6.0分 剧情片
  Taka, a shiftless young man, sets off on a quest to find his brother Mune. Teaming up with a quirky new friend and an edgy, mysterious young girl along the way, Taka finds himself taking on a pack ..
2025 6.0分 剧情片
  一条地下运毒链条牵扯出帮派小头目老狗(姜武 饰)、地头蛇三哥(包贝尔 饰)等人所在的地方帮派的交易网。在老狗管理的狗市里,愣头青东子(刘奕铁 饰)阴差阳错地卷入这场漩涡中,并获得老狗赏识成为其最心腹的小弟。帮派老大葛爷的离奇暴毙,让权力真空引发惨烈厮杀,几大狠人血拼上位,神秘势力暗中操盘,然而东子的身份也似乎并不简单。在情谊和生死面前,人性赌局的考验也让事态变得越来越扑朔迷离。
2025 10.0分 剧情片


金海剧场提供影视作品丹尼男孩高清全集在线观看的影视全集网,剧情片《丹尼男孩》全集作品的导演是萨姆·米勒   ,由安东尼·鲍伊  托比·琼斯  卡伦·索尼娅·塞沃尔  亚历克斯·费恩斯  莉亚·麦克纳玛拉  萨拉·奈尔斯  奥克利·佩德加斯特  斯派克·莱顿  乔尔·莫里斯  Matt Beauman-Jones  保罗·布莱克维尔  尼玛·塔列格哈尼  Layo-Christina Akinlude  Tommy Finnegan  Rachid Sabitri  主演,丹尼男孩在豆瓣的评分为8.0,本片由小编于2024-11-23 16:16更新,希望大家喜欢,可以把《丹尼男孩》推荐给你朋友,本作品的地址为 https://www.jinhaiju.com/movie/index29417.html


  The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war.
  Anthony Boyle plays the real-life soldier Brian Wood, accused of war crimes in Iraq by the tenacious human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, played by Toby Jones.
  The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield - at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy - to the courtroom, and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry.
  Memory, evidence and trauma collide, as Brian finds himself caught on the fine line between war and unlawful killing. After his service in Iraq and years of legal investigation, will he ever be able to look his family in the eye again and be the husband, father, and son, they need him to be?
  Danny Boy is an urgent and thought-provoking drama that questions what we ask of those who fight - and kill - for their country.
  Danny Boy is made by Expectation for the BBC. It is written by Bafta-winner Robert Jones and directed by Sam Miller, and also stars Alex Ferns, Leah McNamara, Pauline Turner, Kiran Sonia Sawar, and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor. Executive Producers are Colin Barr and Susan Horth for Expectation, with Lucy Richer, Jo McClellan and Clare Sillery for the BBC.